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During The Challenge You Can Expect To

Improve Your Mood and Energy Levels
Regular exercise gives you a positive lift in mood, gives you more energy, and helps you become more resilient to stress. Past participants experienced a boost in energy level and on average saw an 11% increase in their daily energy as a result of the challenge.

Improve Your Health and Fitness
Exercising regularly gives you more energy and is one of the best ways to ensure long-term vibrant health. 9 out of 10 past participants saw benefits to their health and wellbeing as a result of participating in the challenge.

Enjoy Better Sleep
Experience more restful sleep and wake up feeling fresh. Studies show that regular, moderate-intensity exercise programs improve sleep quality. Past participants experienced better, deeper, sounder sleep and on average saw a 9% increase in their quality of sleep after the challenge.

Get Focused & More Productive
Exercise helps you better process information, be more creative, and get more done every day. More than half of the past participants saw an increase in energy levels and productivity at work.

Build Better Relationships With Your Colleagues
Build better connections with your workmates and enjoy striving together towards a shared goal. 3 out of 4 past participants saw an increase in team morale, and 9 out of 10 would recommend the challenge to their work friends.