Whilst our official Challenge finished a few weeks ago, the habit has stuck and I’m moving – every, single, day. Officially, I have now lost 5kg – 2kg as a direct result of the challenge. AND…..only 0.7kg to go. In short – I’m super stoked with the motivation and incentive I gained from completing the 15 Minute Challenge.
Elese Deakin
The 15 minute Exercise challenge has given me a formula of sustainability in which I formed a good and positive habits. I loved the fact that we collaborated more within our team and I felt motivated to exercise by participating in the challenge and I look forward to this type of activity. Mine was a personal goal and journey where I want to be in 5 years’ time and then 10 years’ time– I have developed good mindset, good habits and also ensure that my goals are achievable, by exercising I see results, good mental health, I stay very positive and maintain my ideal weight!
Maniphet Nguyen
The team support in the 15 Minute Challenge spurred me on. It encouraged me to be active each day and this has continued on the most part. I also lost a couple of kilos along the way.
Paulina Ford
This challenge was great to foster team spirit while being active every day of the week. It made me think of exercising every day, not just my designated 3 sessions per week. Since completing the challenge I have upped my game by participating in 6 boot camp sessions. I particularly enjoyed the team spirit and encouragement to all our members of the Metro Go Getters Team. Bring on the next challenge!
Alison Lowe
The 15 minute challenge was a good reminder that you can squeeze in 15 minutes of exercise into your day so easily, and at many times throughout the day. I was able to add in extra exercise before and after work as well as at lunch time by breaking it down into manageable 15 minute increments. Adding the teams competition added the edge of wanting to continuously improve and do my best – i.e. not just do the minimum but keep increasing! It was also a fun activity which brought our team together and encouraged us to incorporate movement into our sedentary jobs.
Corina Hibberd